Charitable Donations
Please understand we get requests for thousands of dollars in donations every year. We are a small family business, our ingredients are expensive, and while we do our best to be generous, there are times we cannot afford to give away hundreds of dollars in certificates. We suggest asking a benefactor of your organization to purchase some baked goods and donate them to your event. This would be the best way to support both your organization and our small business.
Voucher Certificate & Baked Good Donation Guidelines
We do our best to honor all requests to qualified organizations that apply for a voucher certificate or product donation. If you would like to apply, please make sure you can answer "yes" to the following questions:
-My organization or event is clearly nonprofit and charitable in nature.
-My organization supports culinary education or food security.
-My organization is nonpartisan and my event is not a political fundraiser.
What we Give
We offer a choice of a voucher or a baked good donation. Please let us know know which is more appropriate for your event. We prefer to give baked good donations as they better convey our products. Baked good donations come in the form or bread, breakfast pastries, or cookies. We will try to accommodate requests for specific varieties, but cannot guarantee availability.
When we Give
We review donation request forms on the first of each month. Your request must be submitted by midnight on the first day of the month, we have varying limits as to how many donations we can honor, so the earlier the request is received the better.
You may only use our online form. Requests received via U.S. Mail, telephone, email, or in person will not be reviewed.